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  13. Thomaston


Lokalisasi Thomaston : Negara Amerika Serikat, Negara Maine, County Knox.
Informasi Tersedia : Alamat pos, Telepon, Koordinat Geografis, Jumlah penduduk, Luas, Ketinggian, Cuaca dan Hotel.
kota-kota dan desa-desa terdekat : Rockland, Warren dan South Thomaston.


Perbarui data

NegaraAmerika Serikat
Bahasa resmi
  • Bahasa Inggris : Thomaston
  • Bahasa Perancis : Thomaston

Administrasi Thomaston

Kode Thomaston (FIPS)2376365
Kode pos Thomaston04861

Info kontak Thomaston

Alamat pos ThomastonP. O. Box 299
Thomaston ME 04861
United States
Telepon Thomaston()207) 354-6107
Mancanegara: +1 207-354-6107
Surat elektronik ThomastonTidak tersedia
Situs ThomastonTidak tersedia
Informasi lainnyaCities and Towns in the United States : Thomaston

Demografi Thomaston

Jumlah penduduk Thomaston3.748 penduduk
Kepadatan Penduduk Thomaston125,3 /km²

Geografi Thomaston

Koordinat Geografis ThomastonGaris lintang: 44.1076, Garis bujur: -69.1714
44° 6′ 27″ Utara, 69° 10′ 17″ Barat
Luas Thomaston2.991 hektar
29,91 km²
Ketinggian Thomaston44 m
Iklim ThomastonIklim benua lembab dengan musim panas sedang (Klasifikasi iklim Köppen: Dfb)

Jarak Thomaston

New York 548 km terdekatLos Angeles 4333 kmChicago 1525 km
Houston 2806 kmPhiladelphia 671 kmPhoenix 3853 km
San Antonio 3058 kmSan Diego 4300 kmDallas 2697 km
San Jose 4430 kmJacksonville 1886 kmIndianapolis 1483 km

Peta dan rencana Thomaston

kota-kota dan desa-desa terdekat Thomaston

Rockland 3.7 kmWarren 6.2 kmSouth Thomaston 8.3 km
Owls Head 9 kmRockport 9.3 kmCushing 12.6 km
Hope 14.9 kmUnion 16.4 kmCamden 16.9 km
Waldoboro 17 km

Zona Thomaston

Waktu lokal Thomaston
Zona waktu ThomastonUTC -5:00 (America/New_York)
Waktu musim panas UTC -4:00
Musim dingin UTC -5:00

Cuaca Thomaston

Matahari terbit dan terbenam Thomaston

HariMatahari terbit dan terbenamSenjaSenja astronomiSenja nautical
22 Januari13:03 - 17:48 - 22:3312:31 - 23:0411:56 - 23:40 11:22 - 00:14
23 Januari13:02 - 17:48 - 22:3412:31 - 23:0611:55 - 23:41 11:21 - 00:15
24 Januari13:01 - 17:48 - 22:3612:30 - 23:0711:55 - 23:42 11:21 - 00:16
25 Januari13:00 - 17:49 - 22:3712:29 - 23:0811:54 - 23:43 11:20 - 00:17
26 Januari12:59 - 17:49 - 22:3812:28 - 23:0911:53 - 23:44 11:19 - 00:18
27 Januari12:58 - 17:49 - 22:4012:27 - 23:1111:52 - 23:46 11:18 - 00:20
28 Januari12:57 - 17:49 - 22:4112:26 - 23:1211:52 - 23:47 11:18 - 00:21

Hotel Thomaston

Hotel Claddagh Motel & SuitesCladdagh Motel & Suites

This Rockport motel features individually decorated guest rooms and suites and offers a seasonal continental breakfast. The motel offers private ocean access which is just 2 minutes’ walk from the property... pandangan yang lebih
Hotel Samoset Resort on the OceanSamoset Resort on the Ocean

Glen Cove
Situated in Rockport, Maine, this oceanfront resort features Samoset’s 18-hole championship golf course and on-site dining. Guest rooms are decorated in a New England-style and include a 32-inch flat-screen cable TV... pandangan yang lebih
$US 99
Hotel Ledges By the BayLedges By the Bay

Perched above the shores of Clam Cove and the Atlantic Ocean, this Rockport motel features guest rooms with views of the surrounding sea. A seasonal outdoor pool is featured on site... pandangan yang lebih
$US 74
Hotel Island View InnIsland View Inn

Glen Cove
Boasting rooms with ocean views, this property has 2 outdoor heated swimming pools and free Wi-Fi access. Owl's Head Lighthouse and State Park are 8 miles away. Guest rooms at the Island View Inn feature a balcony, cable TV and a refrigerator... pandangan yang lebih
Hotel Strawberry Hill Seaside InnStrawberry Hill Seaside Inn

This charming Rockport inn offers free Wi-Fi, oceanfront views, and individually decorated rooms that include a refrigerator. Owl’s Head Lighthouse is 4 miles away... pandangan yang lebih
$US 109
Hotel Lainnya »

Terdekat Thomaston

Halaman Thomaston

Pranala langsung
DB-City.comThomaston 2.9/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • kota-kota dan desa-desa terdekat
  • Zona
  • Cuaca
  • Matahari terbit dan terbenam
  • Hotel
  • Terdekat
  • Halaman