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  11. Weiler


Lokalisasi Weiler : Negara Austria, negara Federasi Vorarlberg.
Informasi Tersedia : Alamat pos, Telepon, Surat elektronik, Situs, Walikota, Koordinat Geografis, Jumlah penduduk, Luas, Ketinggian, Cuaca dan Hotel.
kota-kota dan desa-desa terdekat : Klaus, Röthis dan Viktorsberg.


Perbarui data

negara FederasiVorarlberg

Administrasi Weiler

Kode Weiler80423
Kode pos Weiler6833
Walikota WeilerBAWART Mechtild

Info kontak Weiler

Alamat pos WeilerWalgaustraße 1
6833 Klaus-Weiler
Telepon Weiler0552 351100
Mancanegara : +43 5523 51100
Surat elektronik Weiler[email protected]
Situs Weilerwww.gemeinde-weiler.at
Informasi lainnyaGemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Weiler

Demografi Weiler

Jumlah penduduk Weiler1.941 penduduk
Kepadatan Penduduk Weiler630,2 /km²

Geografi Weiler

Koordinat Geografis WeilerGaris lintang: 47.3034, Garis bujur: 9.65287
47° 18′ 12″ Utara, 9° 39′ 10″ Timur
Luas Weiler308 hektar
3,08 km²
Ketinggian Weiler480 m
Iklim WeilerIklim lautan (Klasifikasi iklim Köppen: Cfb)

Jarak Weiler

Wina 513 kmGraz 439 kmLinz 364 km
Salzburg 261 kmInnsbruck 132 kmKlagenfurt am Wörthersee 362 km
Villach 328 kmWels 341 kmSankt Pölten 458 km
Dornbirn 14 km terdekatWiener Neustadt 498 kmSteyr 366 km

Peta dan rencana Weiler

kota-kota dan desa-desa terdekat Weiler

Klaus 0.7 kmRöthis 1.5 kmViktorsberg 1.7 km
Sulz 1.8 kmFraxern 2.1 kmZwischenwasser 2.9 km
Götzis 3.4 kmRankweil 3.7 kmKoblach 4.9 km
Meiningen 5.6 kmAltach 5.7 kmMäder 5.8 km

Zona Weiler

Waktu lokal Weiler
Zona waktu WeilerUTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Waktu musim panas UTC +2:00
Musim dingin UTC +1:00

Cuaca Weiler

Matahari terbit dan terbenam Weiler

HariMatahari terbit dan terbenamSenjaSenja astronomiSenja nautical
20 Januari07:59 - 12:32 - 17:0507:25 - 17:3906:48 - 18:16 06:11 - 18:53
21 Januari07:58 - 12:32 - 17:0607:25 - 17:4006:47 - 18:18 06:11 - 18:54
22 Januari07:57 - 12:33 - 17:0807:24 - 17:4106:46 - 18:19 06:10 - 18:55
23 Januari07:56 - 12:33 - 17:0907:23 - 17:4306:45 - 18:20 06:09 - 18:56
24 Januari07:55 - 12:33 - 17:1107:22 - 17:4406:45 - 18:21 06:08 - 18:58
25 Januari07:54 - 12:33 - 17:1207:21 - 17:4606:44 - 18:23 06:08 - 18:59
26 Januari07:53 - 12:33 - 17:1407:20 - 17:4706:43 - 18:24 06:07 - 19:00

Hotel Weiler

Hotel Hotel RössleHotel Rössle

Surrounded by a large garden, Hotel Rössle is a family-run 3-star property in a quiet location in Röthis, 3 km from the A14 motorway. It features a traditional restaurant and offers free Wi-Fi... pandangan yang lebih
€ 68
Hotel Ferienwohnung WelteFerienwohnung Welte
Tranquilly located on a hillside in Viktorsberg, Ferienwohnung Welte offers a self-serviced apartment with a spacious, furnished terrace with mountain views and a fully equipped kitchen. The Laterns Ski Area can be reached in 20 minutes by car... pandangan yang lebih
€ 72
Hotel Land- & Panoramagasthof Schöne AussichtLand- & Panoramagasthof Schöne Aussicht

Enjoy fantastic panoramic views as far as Liechtenstein and the Swiss mountains in this quiet, family-run inn located on a south-facing hill high above Vorarlberg's Rhine Valley... pandangan yang lebih
€ 56
Hotel Hotel Restaurant MohrenHotel Restaurant Mohren

This 3-star superior hotel in the centre of Rankweil offers panoramic views of the Swiss Alps and elegant rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free private parking is available... pandangan yang lebih
€ 65
Hotel Best Western Hotel Hoher FreschenBest Western Hotel Hoher Freschen

The Best Western Hotel provides you the ideal location in the middle of the “Vierländereck” Austria-Switzerland-Lichtenstein-South Germany. The community of Rankweil is well known for their Basilika at the Liebfrauenberg... pandangan yang lebih
€ 64
Hotel Lainnya »

Terdekat Weiler

Kapf 4 kmSennhof 4.6 kmHohe Kugel 5.8 km
Alpwegkopfhütte 6.1 kmAlpwegkopf 6.3 kmSchloss Amberg 6.5 km
Freschenhütte 6.7 kmEmser Hütte 7.2 kmLaternser Tal 7.7 km
Hoher Freschen 8.6 kmUntere Saluveralpe 8.9 kmNob 8.9 km
Schwarzenberg 9.1 kmAlpkopf 9.2 kmHohenems Dornbirn 9.7 km
Freschenhaus 9.8 kmHohe Madonna 9.8 kmKopes 9.9 km
Garnitzen 10.1 kmBocksberg 10.2 kmVordermellenalpe 10.5 km
Bad Laterns 10.6 kmHaslach 10.7 kmLindach Alpe 11.2 km
Gäfis Alpen 11.3 kmFeldkircher Hütte 11.4 kmGarnitzalpe 11.5 km
Staufen 11.5 kmHochgehrach 11.6 kmTälispitze 11.6 km

pembangkit listrik Nuklir

Kernkraftwerk Beznau 110.8 kmKernkraftwerk Leibstadt 114.4 kmKernkraftwerk Gösgen 127.2 km

Halaman Weiler

Pranala langsung
DB-City.comWeiler 3.9/5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21)